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Arbitrary Pulse Generator


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This unit consists of the software front end and a USB based data acquisition system capable of arbitrary waveform generation.  The APG software gives the user a simple, accurate and versatile method of generating custom pulses and pulse sequences.  You can have multiple pulse definitions in a single file, each with its own frequency.  Pulse selection, as well as file selection and a variety of other controls can be controlled remotely from your CNC or other devices.

Pulse Output types:
Each pulse tab can be set to its own style of pulse. The APG has the ability to output custom drawn pulse shapes as shown above and those shapes can be set to free run or run in single shot and burst modes and can be externally triggered. With burst mode, you simply set the frequency and number of pulses to define the burst. APG can run in CW mode where you set the laser power by clicking on the screen or using the keyboard. It also has a basic function generator output. The function generator output allows you to set a peak-to-peak amplitude of the wave shape you've chosen and an offset (it's centerline value) defined in watts. Sine, triangle and square wave output is available. The scope plots below show the APG's output in yellow and the laser feedback from a photodiode sampling the laser's output.

IPG ouput, sine wave IPG ouput, square wave IPG ouput, triange wave
Along with the programmable output, there is also an oscilloscope integrated into the system that is synchronized with the output of the APG.  You can run the scope independently, or you can actually overlay your feedback pulse on top of the pulse you programmed.  This allows you to see the lasers feedback based on the pulse geometry you are sending to your laser.  Having the pulse program and pulse feedback integrated and overlaid in the display allows you to monitor for laser problems in your process. (This is an analog input channel dedicated to this function, it’s accuracy is dependent on the feedback from your laser or external measuring device).
APG-P photo

Packaging options
The APG comes in two configurations, the -P option shown to the left, and the -OEM version, which is simply the two pc boards and software. The -OEM version is typically mounting within your system's electrical enclosure. The -P version is used when you want to share the APG among a variety of different systems.

IO Page
APG has 16 outputs and 16 inputs. 8 of each are available for user defined functions.

The output buttons can be user labeled and configured as either latching or momentary.

Input buttons are used as monitors and also have user defined labels.

The IO is typically used to interface with the laser to give you access to fiber selection, guide beam control, etc.

System specifications:
The system has a 2 µSec resolution and can handle 128,000 data points in a single pulse. Maximum pulse length is determined by resolution X 128k.  Up to 10 pulse definitions per file. Remote program selection is done in a binary format and allows any one of 7 pulse tabs to be selected from your CNC.

Pulser Specifications:  
Pulse Width: 4 µSec to almost infinite 
Pulse Rate:  .01 hz to 250 khz. 
0-10 volts output = 0-100% full power
0-10 volts input = 0-100% full power

Output formats:
Custom (arbitrary) wave shapes
Free run, single, burst and CW modes
Sine, square and triangle waveforms (4~1200hz)
The analog output can be scaled in real time via an external 10v signal from your CNC or other device.